Green shopping is not only about using reusable bags.

Here are some tips on how to do your shopping and help the planet at the same time!
1) Shop as close to home as you can.
Make your grocery shopping part of a trip you're already going on instead of its own trip.
Carbon emissions are a major offender. This is the same concept as carpooling. Driving less is better :)
2) Choose a store that cares
Do they compost? Recycle? Reuse? Donate unsold products?
3) Choose the right products
Have you looked at the ingredients?
How is it packaged?
Is that packaging recyclable or even better, reusable?
4) You can replant some food scraps in your own garden!
Lettuce, Celery, Avocados, Potatoes, Pineapple, Garlic, Onions, and more...
5) Only buy what you need
Make sure that you will actually use everything you buy before it goes bad
For those products that last a long time, buy them in bulk
6) Bring your own bags
If you forget them at home, ask for paper instead of plastic
7) has a list of all zero waste grocery store in each state! Is there one near you??